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Dr. Rose Moten's Transcend Your Trauma Retreat Session

Cost: $80.00

Duration: 20 Minutes

Location: In Person Session at the Imiloa Institute, Dominical, Costa Rica

Description: You are closer than ever before to making the life you invasion for yourself a reality. You have booked your ticket and will be immersing yourself in 6 days and 5 nights of transformation self-actualization, personal growth, and amazing energy.

Now’s the time to book your one-on-one private session with Spiritual Advisor and Medium Cortney Kane Sides

There is no prepared script for these sessions. They are beautiful, touching, and above all, a time to connect with your Highest Self, Source & your Loved Ones on the other side

After reserving your spot on the schedule you will be contacted by a member of the Sides Studios team to set up and confirm your specific time. Understand that times and days may vary due to the retreat schedule.

Payment Details

Full payment is due at the time of registration. You must pre-register to attend.

Session Location

This is an in-person session that will take place at the Imiloa Institute in Dominical, Costa Rica. After reserving your spot on the schedule you will be contacted by a member of the Sides Studios team to set up and confirm your specific time. Understand that times and days may vary due to the retreat schedule.