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Virtual Workshop - Smudging, Clearing & Cleansing

Cost: $35/person

Location: Zoom - once registered you will receive a Zoom link for the workshop

Recommended Supplies: Sage, palo santo stick, incense, and clearing sage spray

Description: Have you wondered about the process of smudging? When, why and how to use it?

Join me in this Virtual Workshop as we will be talking all things smudging and clearing out energy. Helping to activate positive energy shifts within your own energy and your personal spaces.

I am often asked to sage a clients home or business and am so excited about offering you this workshop so that you can learn to become comfortable and confident in doing so.

Smudging / Clearing and Cleansing our spaces and the energy around us is so important for self care and doing so helps us rid our spaces of negative or unwanted energy. Leaving the energy elevated and positive, matching our intentions.

In this workshop you will be learning to clear your space using sage, palo santo, incense, and clearing spray!

Earlier Event: July 31
Private Group Gallery Session
Later Event: August 11
Weekly Meditation Class